Author Archives: robin

Newpoint Capital Health Update – COVID-19

As an inclusive business, Newpoint put the well-being of our people first. We are awaiting guidelines from the relevant authorities and are preparing contingency plans for our staff, associates and partners to work remotely in the event of disruption to our normal day-to-day schedules. At the very heart of Newpoint’s ethos is the concept of […]

Employment Trends of 2019

As 2019 draws to a close, it’s time to consider what the year taught us about employment trends in the UK. Many different factors impacted the employment market in 2019. From a political point of view, the past 12 months have been dominated by the Government’s Brexit negotiations. A key element to emerge from this […]

What University Courses Get Me A Job?

Subjects such as medicine, maths, engineering, physics, and chemistry are associated with good salaries, but much depends on the career you choose when you graduate. Different degree subjects are on average associated with different levels of pay and employment prospects. But don’t get hung up on this – it’s important to pick a subject that […]

A Healthy Body is a Healthy Mind

‘Mens sana in corpore sano’ a Latin phrase, usually translated as “a healthy mind in a healthy body”. Widely used in sporting and educational contexts to express the theory that physical exercise is an important or essential part of mental and psychological well-being; this same saying can translate to a happier and more productive workplace […]

Hot Desking and Working from Home: part 2

Working From Home Having looked in part one at Hot Desking, let’s now look at Working from Home. What advantages does it bring to employees and companies, and why are more and more companies adopting a robust ‘work from home’ policy into their daily operations? For employees, there are multiple advantages to working from home […]

Hot Desking and Working from Home: part 1

Hot Desking and How it Works Hot desking is now being successfully adopted by a growing number of businesses which scraps the old idea of assigning an employee to a desk, surrounded by the same people day in, day out. Businesses are facing mounting pressure to accommodate employee’s flexible working requests, and with more people […]

Mental Health in the Workplace

For most of us, work is an important part of our lives. We spend a significant amount of our time weekly at work, and can form some of our closest friendships with our work colleagues. It’s important we focus on this major part of our lives by looking after our mental health in the workplace. […]

Sponsorship of F3 Racecar Driver Enaam Ahmed

Newpoint Capital Limited, of Bevis Marks, London have completed a sponsorship deal with British F3 Racing Driver Enaam Ahmed, and Keith Beekmeyer from Newpoint Capital Ltd could not be more delighted by the announcement. ‘We’re so proud of this partnership, and of the opportunity it gives us to enable a bright young British sporting professional […]

AI and the Digitisation of Employment – part 2

What will the effect on Employment be? In this new age of AI and digitisation, will there actually be an effect on workers and the workforce, and if so what can we expect that effect to look like? There’s definitely a perception that workers will be replaced by robots in increasing numbers within modern industrial […]